It’s Goal Setting Season, Mother%*$#ersIn the wise words of Maya Angelou, “If you don’t know where you’ve come from, you don’t know where you’re going.” Looking forward with…Dec 25, 2021Dec 25, 2021
What I learned about my creative process this yearAt the start of this year, I started SFU Publishing’s The Writer’s Studio and finally committed to my creative practice more seriously…Dec 11, 2020Dec 11, 2020
Hypothesis: You won’t get done as much as you think this yearIt’s a new year, and like many of us, you’ve probably taken a moment or two to review the past year and think about how you want the next…Jan 10, 2019Jan 10, 2019
I Travelled Back in Time and This is What I LearnedI travelled back in time last week and spent ten days visting different cities in Cuba. I was met with hospitality and kindness from…Oct 23, 2018Oct 23, 2018
#Slack for Your Relationship?Just over a year ago, my boyfriend Jason and I moved in together, after having spent about a year apart doing long distance while I was…Jul 13, 2018Jul 13, 2018
I’m soon going off the grid for 10 days to attend my first Burning Man.Of course, as with everything else we do in life – work, play and everything in between – the most important thing isn’t packed in any bag…Aug 23, 2017Aug 23, 2017
On Relationships & Getting Older: Finding TimeOne thing I’m learning as I enter my thirties is best explained with a diagram:Jun 9, 2017Jun 9, 2017
Published inFit Yourself ClubMindfulness as Mental Health Treatment?A response to an opinion piece in The New York TimesNov 30, 2016Nov 30, 2016
Why All Marketers Should Be Growth MarketingAs new channels emerge and old(er) ones evolve, good ol’ MarketerSpeak always follows suit and lots of new lingo starts flying about.Nov 2, 2016Nov 2, 2016
Published inFuture TravelHumans, We’ve Entered a New Geological Epoch / Climate Change is Real[Disclaimer: This topic is majorly outside my comfort zone and I know very little about physics, geology and engineering; however I am…Oct 7, 2016Oct 7, 2016